Archives: FAQs

What’s the difference between state and township roads?

Hellam Township consists of State roads, Township roads and Private roads. Hellam township only maintains township roads. Private roads are easily known to be private by the blue color of the road sign. Township roads are identified with green signs that contain the township logo.

Who do I call when my garbage has not been picked up?

For any trash/recycling service questions, you must contact the waste hauler directly. Hellam Township has only one authorized waste hauler, which is currently Republic Services. You can contact their customer service line for billing and general inquiries, to report a missed pick-up, and/or to request a bulk item pick-up. Dial 800-210-9675 or visit their website … Continued

How do I find my trash and recycling pickup day?

For any trash/recycling service questions, you must contact the waste hauler directly. Hellam Township has only one authorized waste hauler, which is currently Republic Services. You can contact their customer service line for scheduling inquiries, billing questions, to report a missed pick-up, and/or to request a bulk item pick-up. Dial 800-210-9675 or visit their website … Continued

How do I dispose of paints and chemicals?

To dispose of hazardous household waste and chemicals you must visit the York County Resource Recovery Center (YCRRC) complex, located at 2700 Blackbridge Road York, Pennsylvania 17406. For information on how to dispose of hazardous household waste and chemicals, please call YCRRC at 717-845-1066, or visit York County Solid Waste Authority.

Where do I vote?

There are two voting precincts in Hellam Township. Precinct 1 is at Kreutz Creek Presbyterian Church, located at 82 Old Church Lane York, PA 17406. Precinct 2 is located at the Hellam Township Municipal Complex, located at 35 Walnut Springs Road York, PA 17406. All voters who reside west of Yorkana Road vote at Precinct … Continued

How do I register to vote?

To register to vote in York County, you can visit the The York County Elections and Voter Registration office, located at 2401 Pleasant Valley Road Suite 219 York, PA 17402, or visit their website York County Elections and Voter Registration.

How do I obtain a building permit?

To apply for a building permit, you must first fill out a building permit application and submit it to Hellam Township. Printed applications are available in the Township vestibule, or you can download a digital copy HERE. Hellam Township uses two, third-party, building inspections services. They are Common Wealth Code Inspection Services (CCIS) and Building … Continued

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