Republic Services-Service Update: Trash & Recycling pick-up will be delayed one (1) day this week, due to the winter storm, and will be collected Friday January 24th.
Effective Immediately - Hellam Township is operating under new business hours. Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm.

Lancaster Conservancy


Lancaster Conservancy in Hellam Township

The Lancaster Conservancy began acquiring natural lands in the Hellam Hills area in 2017. The Conservancy has since established two nature preserves consisting of 1,041 acres. Together, the Wizard Ranch and Hellam Hills Nature Preserves compose the Hellam Hills Conservation Area. The primary and secondary goals of the Hellam Hills Conservation Area Master Plan are the protection of the ecological health, function, and integrity of the preserves while also providing passive outdoor recreation opportunities for the public in a way that considers the preserve’s long-term management and maintenance needs.

Hellam Hills Conservation Area

Hellam Hills Nature Preserve is part of the Hellam Hills Conservation Area, which in 2021-2022 underwent a master planning process (learn more). The resulting plan for the area offers ecological restoration and recreation recommendations which are being developed and implemented over time. Your support of the Conservancy as a  donor or a volunteer will allow us to bring this plan to life for the benefit of the community and nature.

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