2024 Board of Supervisors Re-Organization Meeting
6:00pm - 7:00pm Hellam Township Municipal Complex
35 Walnut Springs Road, York, Pennsylvania 17406
The Hellam Township Board of Supervisors meetings are regularly scheduled to occur the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month. They take place in-person at the Hellam Township Municipal Complex, located at 35 Walnut Springs Road York, PA 17406, at 6PM. Meetings maybe be cancelled for various reasons, so please check our website for scheduling details, at www.hellamtownship.gov
All meetings are now in person, but you may also join via Zoom. For accommodations, please contact the Township manager, Corina Mann, at cmann@hellamtownship.com.
Zoom Instructions:
Everyone will be able to access each meeting using the same login information below:
Use the Zoom app or visit www.zoom.us
Click “Join Meeting”
Meeting ID: 634 220 1697
Password: Hellam44